This Is Our Most Productive And Efficient Breed And Is Available As
Ready-To-Lay (RTL Are 18-20
Weeks Old) and As Day-Old Chicks
Red Sex-Link
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL throughout March to November
The Red Sex-Link is a top performing brown/red hybrid. Of all our brown egg layers, this is the lightest (about 3½ lbs. at 18 weeks and about 4½ to 5 lbs. after a year of laying), and the best feed converter, meaning it will cost you less to feed.
Most brown egg layer pullets will consume 9-10 kgs of feed by the onset of egg production. The Red Sex-Link will consume 7-8 kgs depending on when they start laying.
In its first year, production can reach 327 eggs. Red Sex-Link birds have done well in large free-range trials in the U.K. Females are reddish-brown in colour with white underfeathers. Males are mostly white and some may have a few brown markings on the feathers.

Barred Plymouth Rock
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in March/early April and September
This veteran of all the brown egg breeds is still available in quantity. For many years, they were almost extinct, as many poultry growers were carried away with the new crossbreeds. Every superior breed will prove its worth in the end, and these have made a comeback mainly because of their good meat qualities, combined with good brown egg production. People in the fly-tying business say that the Barred Plymouth Rock males carry the best “cape feathers” for that type of use. Both females and males are grey barred in colour, with the female being a bit darker. Females weigh approximately 4 lbs. at 19 weeks and 5-6 lbs. at end of lay. Males are 1-1½ lbs. heavier than females.
Barred Rocks will lay approximately 250 eggs in their first year.

Black Sex-Link
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in March/early April, September and November
This layer is one of the top egg producers of large brown eggs at approximately 250 in its first year, and performs well in all types of conditions. The females are black with a tinge of red on the neck and breast. Female live weight is approximately 4 lbs. at 19 weeks, 5 lbs. at 30 weeks, and 5½+ lbs. at end of lay. Males are a dark barred colour, similar to Barred Rocks, and weigh approximately 1½ lbs. heavier than females. This bird’s black colour tends to absorb light, so we recommend brighter or more intense lighting for top egg production.

Columbian Rock X
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in March/early April, September and November
This proven crossbreed has been with us for over 40 years, and today bears the distinction of being one of the hardiest breeds to be found. These birds have a beautiful colour pattern. They are a good producer of quality brown eggs at approximately 250 in its first year, a very quiet and docile bird in the laying pen, and good for the yard. Heavier than hybrids, live weight will be approximately 4 lbs. at 19 weeks and close to 6 lbs. at end of lay for females. Males are approximately 1½ lbs. heavier.

Rhode Island Red
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in March/early April and September
This popular breed is used in most crossbred varieties available today. Its bloodlines flow in most brown egg breeds throughout the world. Rhode Island Reds are a good producer of brown eggs at approximately 250 in its first year, and are quiet and easy to handle. Both male and female are dark red/brown in colour. Live weights are comparable to other dual purpose breeds.
NOTE: Barred Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds are more difficult to sex at day old, so only 90% accuracy is guaranteed on sexing (no sexing guarantees on orders under 30). If no males are desired, we suggest selecting other breeds

Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in August
Rhodebars are red with white barring which tends to be subtle in females but on full display in the males and there may be some black markings. These chicks are autosexable which means that they are easier to sex at day old than most pure breeds.
Females weigh approximately 4 lbs. at 19 weeks and 5-6 lbs. at end of lay. Males are 1-1½ lbs. heavier than females.
The Rhodebar will lay approximately 250 eggs in its first year of production.

Buff Brahma
Ready-to-Lay only
Available as RTL in late May/June

Buff Orpington
Ready-to-Lay only
Available as RTL in late May/June
One of the best breeds for newcomers to chickens, and for families with young children. Orpingtons come in several feather colors but all are big quiet birds with fluffy feathers that keep them toasty warm during frigid weather. Buff Orpingtons are the most common color and lay about 220 brown eggs in their first year of production. Females weigh 7 lbs. while the males are 8.5 lbs.

Lavender Orpington
Ready-to-Lay only
Available as RTL in late May/June
One of the best breeds for newcomers to chickens, and for families with young children. Named for the English town where they were developed, Orpingtons come in several feather colors but all are big quiet birds with fluffy feathers that keep them toasty warm during frigid weather. They lay about 220 brown eggs in their first year of production. Females are 7 lbs. while the males are 8.5 lbs.
Speckled Sussex
Ready-to-Lay only
Available as RTL in late May/June
This rare and extremely attractive breed originated in Sussex County, England. When mature their plumage is a beautiful brownish red with feather tipped in white. This variety comes with beauty and utility which makes them an excellent choice for both your backyard flock as well as a stunning show bird. The Speckled Sussex produces approximately 150 light brown eggs per year. Females weigh 7 lbs. while the males are 9 lbs.
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in June/early July
This bird gets its name for strong livability and good weight gain. The SASSO Irona is the heaviest of these four breeds and presents dark grey feathers. The female average bodyweight is 8 lbs at 75 weeks and male average bodyweight is 5.5 lbs at 12 weeks. This bird delivers excellent meat quality as well as produces feather-sexable chicks. In addition to its weight advantages, the Irona also lays 272 large, light brown eggs in the first year of production, making it a great option for dual-purpose production. This coloured layer is highly adaptable and easy to manage in all production systems.
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in June/early July
The SASSO Silver is a well balanced performer for either egg or meat production. It lays approximately 283 eggs in its first year of production. The female weighs 6 lbs at 75 weeks and the male weighs 4 lbs at 14 weeks. The SASSO Silver is also notable for its beautiful, ash grey feathering, which makes her particularly appreciated by the backyard chicken market. The Silver is feather-sexable when hatched.
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in June/early July
The SASSO Scarlet features striking, red feathers and lays beautiful light brown eggs. By raising this rustic bird, you also benefit from good performance in both eggs and meat. The Scarlet males can be raised for the broiler market, with a bodyweight of 4lbs at 12 weeks, which results in excellent meat quality. Another advantage is that the feathering can be used to identify the sex of the day-old chicks. The Scarlet laying hen has been specially selected to perform and be easy to manage in more challenging environments such as free range and backyard systems. The female will lay approximately 290 large brown eggs in its first year of production and weighs 6.5 lbs at 75 weeks.
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in June/early July
The SASSO Ivory is a highly productive layer perfectly blended with traditional characteristics. It delivers the most eggs of our coloured layers with 325 large, brown eggs in its first year of production and weighs 4.5 lbs at 75 weeks. For added practicality, day-old chicks hatched from the Ivory are feather-sexable. If you are looking for a highly adaptable and productive layer, the Ivory may be the right fit for your operations. Males in this breed weigh approximately 4 lbs at 12 weeks.
Leghorn (White Eggs)
Day old and Ready-to-Lay
Available as RTL in August
For customers who want large white eggs, Leghorns will lay approximately 330 eggs in their first year of production. They will do this with a minimum of feed, and will weigh approximately 4 lbs. at end of lay. Leghorns are not as hardy and are more nervous and flighty than brown egg breeds.
Azure Blue (Blue Eggs)
Day old and Ready-to-Lay (females only)
Available as RTL in March, April, late May, June, August, September
Bred for its unique blue egg shell colour, shell strength and unique plumage, the Azure Blue is a robust and friendly bird. They are ideal for small scale and back yard egg producers, producing attractive and good quality eggs. The Azure Blue will lay about 295 eggs per year and the females weigh about 4 lbs.
Noirans (Dark Brown Eggs)
Day old and Ready-to-Lay (females only)
Available as RTL in April, late May, June, August, September
The Noirans breed is linked to the history of the Marans birds. The Marans have been crossed with heavier breeds to form the Noirans. The Noirans have black copper coloured feathers and adapt well to all systems. They lay a large dark brown egg that has good internal egg quality. The Noirans will lay approximately 265 eggs in its first year of production. The Noirans hen will weigh about 6.5 lbs at 75 weeks.
Olive (Green Eggs)
Day old and Ready-to-Lay (females only)
Available as RTL in March, April, late May, June, August, September, November
The Olive will lay approximately 275 eggs in its first year of production. The Olive hen will weigh about 4 lbs at 75 weeks.
Day old non-sexed only
Fast Growth – White Rock Cornish x
These extra heavy meat-type birds are bred for meat only. Their strength is in their efficient conversion of feed into meat. If purchased as non-sexed, the fighting of the males is reduced. Females will substitute well for capons. Cornish Game Hens are produced by growing females of this breed to 2 lbs. live weight (approximately 4-5 weeks). White Rocks are typically grown for 8-10 weeks, more or less if larger or smaller birds are desired. We will guarantee delivery of 100% live, healthy chicks, but we cannot accept responsibility beyond that point.
Alternative Growth – Rustic Ranger
This is our heaviest coloured broiler. The Rustic Rangers are a perfect compromise between rusticity, feed conversion rate and yield. They are a great pasture bird and excellent forager. If you are looking for a pasture bird this is the breed for you. They produce a table bird in just 12 weeks.
Slow Growth – Frey’s Special Dual Purpose
This breed is a combination of some of the heaviest dual purpose breeds still in existence. It was developed for those who want a hardy, healthy chicken with firm and flavourful meat. Mortality is very low in this breed, and weak legs and heart attacks are almost unheard of.
The females are a rusty red in colour and are generally quiet, but they are not recommended for growers wanting high egg production. The females will grow to approximately 5-6 lbs. live weight at about 15 weeks. As females approach maturity (15–20 weeks), they tend to put on fat, so if larger-size females are desired, we suggest a diet lower in protein and energy. Females between 10-14 weeks old are a favourite of the Asian community.
The males are white and may have dark markings on their backs. Males will be 7 to 8 lbs. live weight at 15 weeks.
These birds can take up to 13 kgs of feed to reach 15 weeks old.
As males mature they can have a tendency to fight and so keeping the ratio of males to females at 1 to 10 or lower will help. If you raise only males and want to keep them to an older age you can try darkening the pen and beak trimming.
Looking for colour variety in your backyard layer flock? This option will give you an attractive assortment of brown egg layers. You will receive a mix of brown, yellow and black chicks – most likely 3 different breeds. Since several of our brown-egg breeds look very similar, this is a more economical option than ordering a few of each breed and paying the top price for each.
We choose the breed – YOU SAVE! (for Day-Olds Only)
If you want a brown egg layer but aren’t fussy about the breed, Hatch Day Choice is for you. You will receive top-quality chicks at a discounted price when you allow us to fill your order with whatever breed(s) we have the most of on delivery date. Normally you receive a single breed. This is a win-win deal for everyone!