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Vitamin packs without electrolytes are helpful to get baby chicks and turkeys off to a good start.

Multivitamin packs with electrolytes are helpful to chickens and turkeys experiencing stress such as high outdoor temperatures, large temperature fluxuations, poor air quality,

Hatching Eggs

Hatching eggs are available by the dozen in any one of these breeds – Leghorn, Red Sex-Link, Black Sex-Link, Columbian Rock X, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhodebar, Irona, Silver, Scarlet, Ivory, Rustic Ranger and Frey’s Special Dual Purpose.

Red Sex-Link, Black Sex-Link and Frey’s Special Dual Purpose are easily sexable. All other breeds are difficult to sex.



The Red Sex-Link is the best layer and the one most grown for ready to lay pullets. She will produce the most eggs for the least amount of feed. They are well suited for small farmers or hobbyists who allow the pullets/hens to free range.

For customers who are not concerned with maximum egg production and would like a colourful variety of breeds for your small flock, we have other options to choose from.

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80 Northside Dr, St. Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0

Phone: (519) 664-2291